Thursday, December 12, 2013



                                            Education providers should make sure that students have fair and equal access to the same subjects and that they are assessed in the same way.All the pupils must have the same access to the school curriculum and must be given the same subject options and access to the same amount of subject teaching.This means that both male and female pupils are expected to participate in all aspects of the school curriculum, and courses or specific subjects cannot be open only to one sex. There are no longer any exceptions to this.

The International Young Christian Workers Movement joins hands in solidarity with young women to pledge its continuing support for equal rights and equal opportunities for all young workers.   International Women’s Day is a critical day for us to raise our voices publicly and together.  It is an opportunity for us to celebrate women’s lives and achievements, as well as to focus on the inequality and injustice that continue to occur in our day-to-day lives.

 We know from our own stories that young women make up the majority of those living in poverty, that millions of women have died needlessly due to lack of healthcare and safe living and working conditions, and  that there is a worldwide pandemic of violence against women.



              We recognize and share the concerns  about climate change. There is a widespread view that the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases is a contributor to climate change, with adverse effects on the environment."Climate change is one of the biggest issues of this generation…And we have to meet this challenge by driving smart policies that lead to greater growth in clean energy generation and result in a range of economic and social benefits.             
 The fact is that on the key issues, the science is clear: climate change is real and happening now; human-made greenhouse gas emissions are affecting our planet; and we need to take action. Just as we reached a point where we stopped debating whether cigarette smoke causes cancer, we need to end the climate change debate and focus on how to solve the problem.           
   The cause of the temperature rise, and therefore the future course, is settled only within the consensus group of scientists. This is based on work of computer modelers, believing their increasingly complex models show the cause is due to man's activities and that there will be increasing temperatures according to how much additional greenhouse gases are emitted. There are many other scientists who are non-modelers, many with backgrounds as atmospheric physicists, climatologists, engineers, meteorologists, and paleo-climatologists, who do not believe the primary cause is mankind, although this could be part of it. These scientists and the people who follow them are often called climate change skeptics.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

going global through english


                          Everyone has their own reasons for the rise of English as the global language. However, there are some common traits between them. Here are just a few samples of what people are saying: "Experts attribute the worldwide spread of English to British colonialism and American culture, rather than to the inherent qualities of the language...
                     English is dominating the globe today because, when the sun finally set on the British Empire at the end of World War II, the United States emerged as a global superpower and cultural giant, leading the way in medical research, technological innovation, motion pictures and rock ‘n’ roll.In the 17th and 18th centuries, English was the language of the leading colonial nation - Britain. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was the language of the leader of the industrial revolution - also Britain. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was the language of the leading economic power - the US.
                      Experts say the simultaneous rise of the US as a military and technological superpower and the receding of the British empire gave many in the world both the desire and option to choose American English. As you can see, there are many reasons associated with the rise of English as a global language. Most people agree that it has something to do with the emergence of the United States as a world superpower. The US has worked hard to reach the level of achievement and cultural clout that it has today, but in no way wishes to wipe out all other world cultures. The important thing to remember is: "A language becomes an international language for one chief reason: the political power of its people - especially their military power.